Financial Reports | IJM Hong Kong
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We make sure your generosity counts in the fight to end slavery

We maximize the impact of your generosity to make the world a safer place

Our mission would be impossible without you. At IJM, we strive to maintain the highest levels of integrity to make sure every dollar you give has impact.

IJM Hong Kong is a tax-exempt charitable institution approved by Inland Revenue Department of HKSAR (IR File Number:91/17272). Our work to protect vulnerable people from violence depends on the financial generosity of our supporters. We are committed to stewarding these funds to make the greatest impact possible in the communities we serve. In addition, an independent accounting firm conducts an annual audit to verify that IJM Hong Kong complies with generally accepted accounting principles and is a responsible steward of its financial resources.

We are committed to conducting our work with transparency, accountability and integrity.

IJM Hong Kong Annual Reports

IJM 2024 Annual Report

IJM 2023 Annual Report


Please contact IJM Hong Kong should you have any questions about any of the reports contained on this page. Full financial audit reports available on request.

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