To update your credit card information, please sign up online again, and email [email protected]. You will receive a confirmation via email.
To change your gift amount, please email the updated amount to [email protected]. You will receive confirmation via email.
To cancel your gift with IJM Hong Kong, please email [email protected]. You will receive confirmation via email.
Thank you for supporting our work to protect the poor from violence.
Please deposit to HSBC account 741-477681-838
and email us the bank-in slip at [email protected]
Thank you for supporting our work to protect the poor from violence.
Please send a cheque payable to “International Justice Mission Hong Kong Limited” and mail together with your contact phone no. and email address to P.O. Box 33086, Sheung Wan Post Office, Hong Kong
IJM Hong Kong is a tax-exempt charity of the HKSAR Government (IR File Number:91/17272). IJM also has an all-volunteer Board of Directors to set policies and procedures in monitoring budget and expenditure.
IJM Hong Kong is a registered charity with the Inland Revenue Department. All monetary donations worth HK$100 and more are fully tax-deductible.
Yes, you will receive a receipt by email. You can also request a paper copy receipt to be posted to you. For monthly donations, we will provide you with an annual giving summary at the end of the financial year. Please email [email protected] with any further queries or requests.
Yes! Workplace giving is a great way to maximise the impact of your gift. If you would like to invite your employer to include IJM on its list of charities please email [email protected].
Whether you would like to host a rescue party, dedicate your birthday, run a marathon, or plan a different fundraising event, please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you for supporting our work!