Online sexual exploitation of children is a rising form of trafficking.
It is hidden. It is low cost. It is fast.
But the damages done to child victims are costly and often take years to heal.
Over 750,000 predators are estimated to be online at any given moment.
At the speed of a click, a social media friend request was sent and accepted, and innocent Ruby* was sold in seconds.
Each rescue is a race against time.
Help us protect children like Ruby before the traffickers reach them.
The Impact of Your Monthly Donation
As a Freedom Partner, your generosity helps rescue and protect children from online sexual exploitation, sends them onto the path of recovery and restores hope in their lives.

HK$500 per month
Funds IJM training for local authorities on rescue operation planning

HK$1,000 per month
Sends 60 Aftercare Kits with necessities, a toy and art materials per year to calm child survivors soon after rescue

HK$2,000 per month
Provides 60 hours of counselling and therapy per year to help survivors overcome trauma and shame
“As a child I was sexually exploited online: now I want tech companies and governments to take action. The time to act is now. Victims have waited long enough.”
*A pseudonym